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8 Dec 2015

Woman hits $8M jackpot, casino claims machine malfunctioned

BEAVERTON, Ore. — A woman in Oregon hit the $8 million jackpot at a Lucky Eagle Casino slot machine, but could not claim her money.
Veronica Castillo took her mother to the casino in Rochester, Washington last weekend. She put $100 in a machine and hit the jackpot — she thought.
“I was very excited, happy,” she told KOIN 6 News. “Then I couldn’t believe it.”

Crazy Man Starts Gas Station Blaze Trying to Kill Spider with Lighter

A man tried to kill a spider at a gas station using a lighter causing a dangerous fire. Using a lighter to kill the bug, he started a blaze that quickly engulfed the gas pump.
He somehow escaped serious injury and the gas station’s damage was contained to one pump, which was destroyed. The incident was recorded at a Center Line gas station.
Employee Susan Adams kept calm and hit the gas automatic stop button and quickly called the Center Line fire department.
The man grabbed a nearby extinguisher and put out the flames before firefighters arrived. Later he admitted what he did, saying he spotted a spider on his gas tank and because he’s deathly afraid of the critters.
gas-station-firePhoto: Man starts gas station blaze trying to kill spider with lighter
He pulled out his lighter and decided to burn it. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what happened next.

In Los Angeles, CA Businessman Wants To Eat Last Panamanian Tree Frog

This week the tear-jerking “Racing Extinction” documentary aired on the Discovery Channel. The program featured a Rabb’s Fringe-limbed Tree Frog, the very last one of its kind, which lives in captivity in a metal building called ‘Frog POD’ somewhere in the world.
See video of the frog:

4 Jul 2015

6 Pictures That Prove a Chocolate Mold of Your Anus is the Best Valentines Day Present Ever

Want to do something extra special for your girlfriend or boyfriend this Valentine’s day? Look how tasty this molded butthole looks. Just want to bite into it and savor, right?
For those of you with money to waste, you can even have your anus mold turned into a piece of gold jewelry. I recommend attaching it to a gold chain and wearing it around your neck or fashioning it into an earring.

VIDEO: Man Cuts Friend’s Nose Off After Failed Sword Trick (GRAPHIC)

Does it get any more stupid?

Stupid, but also pretty Woman Uses Craigslist To Find Thug To Break Her Back to Get Welfare

EVANSVILLE, Indiana — There are a lot of desperate folks out there that will do anything to get on public assistance, but this might take the cake. A Craigslist ad ran last week in the jobs section in Evansville offering $50 to “some strong guy” to break a woman’s back so she could get “disability welfare.” She even provided a racy photo of herself so her hired thug would know what she looked like as she strutted down E. Kentucky Avenue waiting for that baseball bat to her back.
The ad has since disappeared, so it’s uncertain if she got her broken back, chickened out or Craigslist removed it. Here is the ad.
craigs-list-ad-back-break-wTo who is may concerne,

Gay-Hater Wants Scientists To Destroy Rainbows

With gay marriage now legal in all 50 states and rainbow flags (the universal symbol for gay pride) flying all over the country, one man who makes it a point to destroy every rainbow flag and spray paint over rainbow bumper stickers he sees, now wants to destroy actual rainbows.
“I used to like seeing a rainbow in nature, ” Buddy Jones told Confederate News. “Now all I see is a symbol for faggotry. Makes me sick to my tummy to see a rainbow in the sky. I want to destroy them because they’re making me crazy and I think destroying rainbows will really get on queer’s nerves, but I don’t know how to kill rainbows myself.”

Beauty Ads Are The Biggest Lie of All Time

Photographer put out the before image that was used in a Rolling Stone article. Truly appalling what they do with touch ups. (animated gif below)

This Shocking Man Smoked His Dead Friend Then Posts on Instagram

Derek Water’s and a group of friends entered a Compton, California neighborhood to buy drugs last month when his best friend, Jameel Mendoza, was shot and killed.
“We was in Compton to buy some weed and a bit of crack and some meth and possibly some LSD and my friend was wearing blue shoe laces in his white Chuck’s and some Bloods 
stopped us and got upset and wanted him to take them blue Crips’ color shoelaces out of his shoes. My friend got stupid and stood up to them.

21 May 2015

Woman Arrested For Biting Off Pit Bull’s Testicles

Witnesses told police this week that they pleaded with Boone county resident, Audrey Ranch, 62, to stop hurting her son’s pit bull, but she refused.old-woman-mug-640
“Eventually she bit Pedro’s acorns clean off right there in the front yard,” a witness said. “Pedro hightailed it screeching like a wild Indian and when I tried to subdue Audrey, she knocked me out with an old tricycle.”
Realizing the police had been called and knowing she had time to hide (it is a 45 minute drive to her house), Mrs. Ranch cut off a length of garden hose, dug a hole and had her son help bury her. She used the garden hose as a breathing apparatus.

Man Evicted From Nursing Home For ‘Wild Stripper Party’

Three Palms Elderly Care Center evicted Paul Horner, 92, from their nursing home after he hired two strippers to entertain him for the night.
A neighbor in the apartment next to Horner, reported to staff that she heard ‘sex sounds and pop music’ coming from Horner’s room. After knocking failed to open Horner’s door, staff used a key to get in.
“We found Mr. Horner in his wheelchair having agressive intercourse with one of the girls,” Nancy Adams, Administrative Director at Three Palms, told WFLA. “Another girl was passed out in her own vomit on an air-mattress. There were bottles of vodka, adult toys and a beer bong.”

Florida Man Files Lawsuit Against God

Baker Anderson walked into the Duval County Clerk of Courts office on Tuesday and filed a civil lawsuit against “God Almighty.”
gay-homeless-640The plaintiff’s court document reads:
God made me gay and for that I seek $1200 dollars in cash – all $1 bills. I really want women. So much more attractive than men, but I keep having sex with men… because I’m gay. Why the hell did God create homosexuality? Imagine having to put your beef stick up another guy’s dirt trail? Why does God make me do that? It’s gross and I hate it, but I can’t stop doing it… because I’m a homosexual.  I can’t stop French kissing men either and putting their meat thermometers in my mouth. I want financial compensation and an apology from God for making me born a gay wad. 

Florida Man used lawnmower to hunt and kill ducklings

The Gontchar family was shocked when they watched Florida Man and landscaper, Jason Falbo, mow over a family of 11 Muscovy ducklings.
“We yelled for him to stop,” Laura Gontchar said. “Stop! Stop! Ducklings! Stop!”
But Falbo was having none of that. After he mowed the birds over on his riding lawnmower, he gathered the fragmented duckling parts and put them into the lower half of his tshirt that he had pulled up to use as ‘bag.’

Madness or Normal: Meet The Pastor Who Makes His Members Get Naked During Church Deliverance

End time they say is right now! I cant but believe it with the crazy things going on in our world today. So, admin anonymous, called my attention to a disturbing post on Facebook and when I went to the page I marveled at what this so called “pastors” do this days all in the name of deliverance.
The pastor who is the owner of End Time Ministries, posted some
pitiful pictures of his deliverance service which took place today at his ministry. According to his Facebook post;

Timaya Daughter Emma Turns 3 Today, Baby Mama Shows Off Baby Bump

Timaya's daughter Emma turned 3 today and her parents celebrated her on social media. Timaya's girlfriend is expecting the couple's second child. See more photos after the cut...

It seems Amber Rose and Rapper Machine Gun Kelly are the latest couple in Town


Reports have it that Amber Rose is dating rapper Machine Gun Kelly. According to an interview the rapper did with Hot 97, it seems Amber and Gun are the latest couple in town.

Man who Hired Hookers To His Hostel Room, Discovered Hookers are his Daughters in California

“I have never gotten a prostitute in my life,” McDonalds told Las Vegas Weekly. “I swear to Christ. What are the odds it was my own flesh and blood that showed up? I think this is Lord’s way of bitch-slapping me.”prostitute-daughters
A California man who called for two prostitutes to come to his hotel room said he collapsed to the floor and had a panic attack when he saw it was two of his daughters.
Father-of-ten, Titus McDonalds of Los Angeles, said he was having marital problems and went to Las Vegas to blow off steam.

14 May 2015

The incredible alien faces of the most common insects that share our homes

Meet the neighbours: 

  • The images include close ups of a tree cricket, a boll weevil, various wasps, moths and a carpet beetle

  • They were taken by North Carolina-based photographer, Daniel Kariko, using two different microscopes
  • He is hoping his ‘Suburban Symbiosis' project will make people see common insects in a new light

Most of us swat flies and bugs away, thinking they are nothing more than a nuisance.
But to Daniel Kariko, these creatures are works of art – and by capturing them under the microscope he is hoping make people see them in a new light.
From a tree cricket to a boll weevil, the North Carolina photographer’s latest portraits bring you face to face with these ‘alien’ creatures.
Pictured is a Boll weevil found on front porch doormat by Daniel Kariko. There are over 40,000 species of true weevils in the family Circulionidae, beetle-like creatures typified by a long snout and clubbed antennae
Pictured is a Boll weevil found on front porch doormat by Daniel Kariko. There are over 40,000 species of true weevils in the family Circulionidae, beetle-like creatures typified by a long snout and clubbed antennae
Dubbed ‘Suburban Symbiosis: Insectum domesticus’, Kariko started the project 2011 when the biology department at East Carolina University opened its lab to other departments.
According to a report in Wired, Kariko shoots the dead insects under both a stereoscopic microscope and a scanning electron microscope. He then combines the images in Photoshop.

The stunning colours are captured using a stereoscopic microscope, with the help of tiny LEDs that illuminate the creatures.
Kariko says it usually takes six shots with various focal lengths on the microscope to create a final image.
After this is done, the same creature is captured using a scanning electron microscope, which provides the detail and the resolution for the images.
Kariko says many of the best images are of creatures that we consider to be common place.
Dubbed ‘Suburban Symbiosis: Insectum domesticus’, Kariko started the project 2011 when the biology department at East Carolina University, opened its lab to other departments. Pictured is an unidentified moth found in an office hallway
Dubbed ‘Suburban Symbiosis: Insectum domesticus’, Kariko started the project 2011 when the biology department at East Carolina University, opened its lab to other departments. Pictured is an unidentified moth found in an office hallway

Extreme close-up view of the head of a cuckoo wasp by Daniel Kariko. Common names also include jewel wasp, gold wasp or emerald wasp, reflecting their brilliantly coloured, metal-like bodies
Pictured on the left is an extreme close-up view of the head of a cuckoo wasp by Daniel Kariko. Common names also include jewel wasp, gold wasp or emerald wasp, reflecting their brilliantly coloured, metal-like bodies. On the left is an image of a wheel bug
This terrifying creature is a carpet beetle found on a bathroom rug. It is around 3 mm-long and belongs to the family Dermestidae
This terrifying creature is a carpet beetle found on a bathroom rug. It is around 3 mm-long and belongs to the family Dermestidae

Taylor Hale, then 14, suffered traumatic brain injury when she fell off hood of car while horsing around with friends in 2011 WAKES!!

'It was the hand of God': 'Brain-dead' girl who was pulled off life support AWAKES from coma after chiropractor's prayer session and makes a full recovery

  • She spent a week in medically induced come to help her brain heal, but she suffered a brain hemorrhage 
  • Doctors declared Taylor brain dead and took her off life support, but hours later she woke up
  • Right before Taylor came out of coma, a devout family friend visited her and prayed for her recovery 
  • Jeff Stickel, a chiropractor, laid his hand on Taylor's neck while praying with family 
  • Hale, now 17, will be graduating high school Monday

When Taylor Hale was declared brain dead in September 2011 after a terrible accident, the 14-year-old girl's parents could hardly imagine she would ever wake up, let alone walk in her graduation ceremony.
But come Monday, the 17-year-old Waukee High School senior will don her cap and gown and ascend the stage at Knapp Center in De Moines, Iowa, as part of the graduating class of 2015 to accept her hard-fought diploma.
Hale and her family are painfully aware how close she came to missing that special moment, along with the rest of her life. All it took was a medical miracle - and a helping hand from a devout chiropractor. 
Scroll down for video  
In September 11, Taylor Hal,e then 14, fell off the hood of a car and suffered an irreversible brain injury.
Against all odds, she recovered and was able to attend her senior prom last month
Comeback kid: In 2011, Taylor Hale, then 14 (left), had an accident and suffered a brain injury. Against all odds, she recovered and was able to attend her senior prom last month (right)

Tressa Middleton, 21, from Broxburn, Scotland, gave birth at 12

  • .Fell pregnant after being raped by brother Jason, which she kept secret

  • .Jason was jailed for four years in 2009 after DNA proved he was the father   

  • .Has detailed her experiences in a new book, dedicated to daughter Annie 

  • A mother who gave birth to a daughter at 12 years old after being raped by her older brother and gave her baby up for adoption has spoken about her heartbreaking ordeal.
    Tressa Middleton, now 21, who spent much of early years in care became addicted to drugs and alcohol after the arrival of Annie. Her daughter was then taken into care.
    Miss Middleton, from Broxburn, Scotland, who has since turned her life around, appeared on ITV's This Morning to talk about her harrowing experience.
    Tressa Middleton, now 21, on This Morning, spent much of early years in care and became addicted to drugs and alcohol after giving birth
    Tressa Middleton, now 21, on This Morning, spent much of early years in care and became addicted to drugs and alcohol after giving birth
    Miss Middleton has also detailed her experiences in a new book, Tressa: The 12-Year-Old Mum’, which she said she has dedicated to her Annie.
    In a touching moment Miss Middleton said: 'I just hope one day she does forgive me.
    'I know it’s going to be hard for her when she finds out her uncle is actually her dad.'
    She added: ‘I hope she doesn’t blame me for not telling people what actually happened when it happened and for drinking and going off the rails. 

    'I hope she understands. I’ll leave it up to her but I hope she does forgive me.' 
    A shocked Philip Schofield then read Miss Middleton's dedication to her long-lost daughter from her book.
    It read: 'You are never far from my thoughts. You are the last person I think of when I go to sleep and the first person I think of when I wake up in the morning.
    Tressa with her mother and daughter in 2006. Tressa, now 21, has written a book about her experiences
    Tressa with her mother and daughter in 2006. Tressa, now 21, has written a book about her experiences

    Miranda Kerr showed off some serious sideboob as she wowed at the Magnum party in Cannes on Thursday

    She had turned heads in an elegant black strapless top and skirt earlier in the day - but Miranda Kerr made eyes pop out in the evening when she appeared in a very revealing gown.
    The 32-year-old model went to the Magnum pink and black party in Cannes wearing the most racy of dresses.
    The hot-pink design had a plunging neckline and a thigh-split - meaning it showed off her cleavage and her long, toned legs.

    The breast of things: Miranda Kerr showed off some serious sideboob as she wowed at the Magnum party in Cannes on Thursday 

    Olive Cooke, 92, was found dead in the Avon Gorge, Bristol, last week

    Britain's longest-serving poppy seller jumped to her death after being hounded by dozens of charities begging for her money.
    Olive Cooke, 92, threw herself from the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol last week after ‘losing her faith in people’.
    The widow – who admitted she found it hard to say no – had been overwhelmed by receiving hundreds of letters and phone calls every month asking her for yet more donations.
    Scroll down for video  
    Dedicated: Olive Cooke, pictured selling poppies outside Bristol Cathedral in 2013, was found dead last week
    Dedicated: Olive Cooke, pictured selling poppies outside Bristol Cathedral in 2013, was found dead last week
    Honoured: Mrs Cooke vowed to sell the flowers each year when her beloved first husband Leslie, pictured with Mrs Cooke on their wedding day in 1941, was killed in action during the Second World War
    Honoured: Mrs Cooke vowed to sell the flowers each year when her beloved first husband Leslie, pictured with Mrs Cooke on their wedding day in 1941, was killed in action during the Second World War

    Ghanian Pastor's Daughter Reveals She's Gay On Big Brother Africa [Photos]

    In the living room, Harriet asked her fellow housemates about their relationship statuses, which led to committed Christian and pastor’s daughter Adjoa Mensah revealing that she is gay, sparking a hilarious reaction from Kieran, a fellow housemate, whiles, Amy, another housemate, quipped, she was ‘wounded’ by the revelation.

    Kieran, hit back, saying he is confused, presumably not at the concept of a gay woman though.

    Adjoa simply laughs at the reaction and says: “You weren’t expecting that were you?”

    The model goes on to reveal that she has never slept with a man and that it is something that she never wants to experience.

    “No [I don’t want guys at all] I want p****,” she says.

    “Nah, I’m just saying, it is what it is,” said Kieran when Adjoa asked why he was confused

    4 May 2015

    Utah Man Marries Father-In-Law

    SALT LAKE CITY, Utah –
    Jack Simpson and his wife had been happily married for ten years when a strange happening occurred: He fell in love with her father.
    “Being in love with your father-in-law is obviously something you don’t want to happen,” Simpson said, “but I couldn’t deny my feelings. I can’t CHOOSE who I love. He has a such a great personality and, even better, a fantastic body. He’s my Papa Bear.”
    The TWO men belonged to an amateur adult wrestling league and frequently practiced together in his father-in-law’s basement to prepare for tournaments.

    Man Rushes Into Burning House To ‘Save Cigarette Lighter’

    LOUISVILLE, Kentucky –
    Over the weekend, Jesse Cornhauler, 54, attempted to smoke 20 cigarettes at once. Most of the lit cigarettes packed tightly in his mouth fell to the carpet and quickly ignited a fire that engulfed his rented mobile home in a roar of flames. fire-starter-mug
    A neighbor said he observed an inebriated Cornhauler standing outside his burning home yelling: “I’m hungry! I gotta GET something to eat!”
    “As neighbors gathered to watch, Jesse kept asking people for marshmallows and a coat hanger to put them on,” a neighbor said. “So he could toast the marshmallows in the flames. Then he wanted graham crackers and a Hershey’s chocolate bar. He wanted to make smores. A week ago, I watched him cut a chicken’s head off in his front yard and roast the body over a burning car tire. He’s a crazy dude.”

    Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites

    The Native American National Council will offer amnesty to the estimated 240 million illegal white immigrants living in the United States.
    At a meeting on Friday in Taos, New Mexico, Native American leaders weighed a handful of proposals about the future of the United State’s large, illegal European population. After a long debate, NANC decided to extend a road to citizenship for those without criminal records or contagious diseases.
    “We will give Europeans the option to apply for Native Citizenship,” explained Chief Sauti of the Nez Perce tribe. “To obtain legal status, each applicant must write a heartfelt apology

    Pregnant Man Successfully Gets Welfare

    USTIN, Texas –
    Top Right News reported a Texas man, unable to work because of his pregnancy, successfully applied for and received public assistance. He is allegedly earning $3,500 per month plus food subsidies and free medical services. pregnant-man-640
    Adam Smith, 42, seems to have been the lucky recipient of poor bureaucratic oversight, a clerical error or extremely lax standards. Texas officials have yet to respond to multiple inquiries.
    “I just can’t work with the hot flashes and morning sickness,” Smith told TRN. “All I can manage to do is watch TV and eat for TWO – me and the baby.”
    Smith claims pregnancy for men lasts much longer than it does with women.

    Man Jailed For Selling “Golden Tickets To Heaven” Seeks Freedom

    JACKSONVILLE, Florida –
    Tito and Amanda Watts were recently jailed for selling “golden tickets to heaven” to hundreds of people in Jacksonville. The couple misrepresented their product by telling buyers the tickets were made of solid GOLD when, according to police, the tickets to heaven were actually spray painted pieces of wood made from cut-up two by fours.
    The product misrepresentation led to their quick arrest. free-tito-watts-640
    We were contacted by Jim Troubles, a close friend of Tito’s, who agreed to relay a jailhouse letter from Mr. Watts:
    Dear Friends,
    I know my storie have been scene by many people. The police say I did something illegal, but the tickets were solid GOLD given to me by the real Jesus. I swear to God!! Instead police has framed me by making fake golden tickets made out of wood saying they’re mine (they’re not. I don’t lye), because they know I’m going to win the election for The President of the United States in 2016

    SHUT UP!! STOP CRYING....Nurse Taped Newborn Baby’s Mouth Shut To Stop From Crying

    Ryan Noval’s wife went to check on her 7-day-old baby in a hospital nursery and was flabbergasted by what she saw: a piece of tape sealing the baby’s lips to stop it from crying.
    Mr. Noval filed a complaint against the nurse and posted a picture of the incident on Facebook:
    Noval described the shocking experience:
    Meet my son Yohannes Noval!! He cannot speak about his horrific experience from the attending nurse’s hands inside Maternity Hospital’s nursery…so we have to speak out for him. 

    Crips and Bloods Unite, Declare War On ISIS

    LOS ANGELES, California –
    New terror threats made on the United States have motivated TWO of the largest rival U.S. street gangs, the Crips and the Bloods, to make a truce and declare war on both ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
    Yesterday an anonymous leader representing the unified gangs spoke in a Compton, California park.
    “Yo, dey’re going ta try ta come ova HERE an bombo our territory, kill our American niggas?” the gang leader told several hundred high ranking MEMBERS representing both gangs. “We’s be gonna go ova an’ git they territory befo dey get our territory. We’s gonna kill every last motherfucking one o’ deez pretend niggas before dey kill us. Deez beotch niggas. Deez faggots with pussies in their pants just like mammy. We’s going ta fuq dem up!”