The weirdoes over at F** issued a recent statement stating they will pay folks to tattoo their domain name on their foreheads. The “human advertiser” must be at least 18 years of age, the tattoo must be on the person’s forehead and the advertiser cannot be black because the tattoos “won’t stand out enough.” Other than that, no other restrictions apply.

“With a crowded online marketplace we needed to get creative, get our upcoming site in front of as many people as possible,” Ken Mason with F**kBuddy said. “Human advertisers can really help position our company as the global leader in the online ‘hook-up’ industry. Each human advertisement will create thousands of brand impressions, not to mention to massive press we’re going to get once people start tattooing F** across their foreheads.”
F**kBuddy is currently undergoing a website overhaul, but the site is in the growing business of connecting F**kBuddies.
F**kBuddy: A person who is not your boyfriend or girlfriend (or farmyard animal), with whom you have sexual relations, on the mutual understanding that you both want sex and nothing more.
What will F**kBuddy pay human advertisers?
“We pay the cost of the tat,” Mason said. “A one-year membership to F**, a $100 Amazon gift card and a thank you card signed by our staff.”
But will people actually take the deal? Sport a permanent F** tattoo in such a visible place?
“I get asked all the time if people will take this amazing offer. Of course they will,” Mason said. “Who doesn’t like free tattoos and Amazon gift cards?”