Ryan Noval’s wife went to check on her 7-day-old baby in a hospital nursery and was flabbergasted by what she saw: a piece of tape sealing the baby’s lips to stop it from crying.

Mr. Noval filed a complaint against the nurse and posted a picture of the incident on Facebook:
Noval described the shocking experience:
Meet my son Yohannes Noval!! He cannot speak about his horrific experience from the attending nurse’s hands inside Maternity Hospital’s nursery…so we have to speak out for him.
If you think YOUR
new born babies are safe, think again. Your babies could be silent victims and you will never really know about it!!!

When the mother asked the nurse why she felt the need to tape Yohannes’ mouth shut, she replied that he was too noisy and had been crying non-stop and GETTING
on her nerves.

Perhaps this nurse should find a new occupation…as newborn babies tend to CRY A WHOLE F**KING LOT!