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6 Nov 2013

How Iyanya, Allegedly Declined Yvonne Nelson’s Plea For Marriage

Séxy Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson, parted ways with rave of the moment artiste, Iyanya when she told him about marriage and the young talent declined.
“Yvonne wanted to take her relationship with Iyanya to the next level but they weren’t on the same page. In fact, I have spoken to a source who told me that Yvonne actually told Iyanya she wanted marriage, but his reactions shocked her.Yvonne sat down and told Iyanya that she wanted to get even more serious and take the next steps in their relationship.”Yvonne was said to have told him that she wanted to have him as hubby and but he wasn’t keen on the idea because he felt it’s too early to talk about those things.

“She told him she loved him and would love him forever,” the source stated.

The source goes on to explain why Yvonne was so hurt: “When a lady tells you she loves you and wants to be serious with you and start a real life with you and maybe even have you as husband, you turn her down. That’s all bad. Like game over.”

If this is anything to go by, I guess Iyanya was right. Things should go one step at a time. What do you think