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10 Feb 2015

7 reasons why you should attend Africa's largest tech and new media conference

From February 23 -27, 2015, the city of Lagos will be hosting the SocialMedia Week, a week-long conference that provides the ideas, trends, insights and inspiration to help people and businesses understand how to achieve more in a hyper-connected world.

Social Media Week Lagos 2015Pulse who is a media partner of the Africa's largest tech and new media conference, brings you seven reasons why you should make yourself available for the Social Media Week Lagos 2015.
GET to know the industry
The Social Media Week would be made up of enlightening sessions which will throw more light on what is going on backstage in the social media would. During the PRESENTATIONS and workshops you will also discover various ways to implement modern digital technologies for the success of YOUR business.
You can get new ideas, new information that will benefit you irrespective of YOUR field of interest and passion from the sessions and PRESENTATIONS at the Social Media Week Lagos.

Social Media Week Lagos is a great occasion to broaden YOUR knowledge and consult experts which will inspire you to acquire new ideas and develop them. As a beginner, the Social Media Week Lagos is a suitable occasion to meet professionals who will help you get knowledge of new ideas and also develop them. Eminent professionals will be invited to share their experiences and knowledge with YOUR to get you inspired.
For career boost
Attending the Social Media Week Lagos can bring a huge lift to YOUR fumbling career. You will get to attend different sessions where different HR professionals will share tips and tricks for creating a perfect applicant profile, having a successful interview and getting a dream job. From these sessions and PRESENTATIONS, you will be able to get valuable advices from successful entrepreneurs.
Meet the experts
These gurus from various sectors at the Social Media Week Lagos will also meet with young and ambitious audience at the conference. Social Media Week Lagos is a perfect opportunity to meet with them and connect.
To network
The Social Media Week Lagos will be a nice place to meet and connect with like minds. You can connect with people and have conversations that open you open for creative ideas. Social Media Week Lagos is also the place to find your potential start-up partners and build great connections for your professional and creative future.
It’s fun
It’s not just all lectures, seminars and presentations, the Social Media Week further organises after-work events of drinks and music.