NEW YORK, NEW YORK — Atheist Bob Miller has legally changed his named to… God Damn.

Mr. Damn says Christianity is a myth and stands in the way of intellectual progress. He believes Christians are incapable of reasoning through their “flawed beliefs” so the only way to reach them is through mocking, which is why he changed his name.
“The sole intention of my name change is to get under Christian’s skin, ” Damn said. “If i get to them, maybe they will think a minute, question why they are so upset, and realize how stupid their beliefs are.”
Nearly every time he introduces himself people respond in confusion: God damn? He hands them a card that reads Congratulations, you’ve just broken The Third Commandment. Enjoy Hell.
His coworker, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “Must hand it to God Damn. He’s ingenious. Everybody around the office is saying god damn. If you don’t call him God Damn, Bob won’t respond. He has a lot of good Christians taking the lord’s name in vain.”
Mr. Damn said the name change is indefinite. “I’m never changing my name. I am doing my little part to help end this stupid religion. I’m even currently trying to persuade my wife to change her name to Jesus Christ! with an exclamation point.”