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25 Sept 2013

I Haven’t Had A Cigarette In Six Years Because I’m Scared Of My Wife’ – President Obama -

When Kiai asks Obama whether he is still smoking, Obama responds, 'No, no, I haven't had a cigarette in probably six years. That's because I'm scared of my wife.'
President Obama was caught on a live microphone Monday telling a United Nations official that he hasn’t smoked in six years because he’s scared of his wife. The conversation between Obama and Kiai began with the president asking about Kiai’s smoking habit.
‘I hope you’ve quite smoking,’ Obama says, according to a
recording of the conversation aired by CNN. ’Sometimes,’ Kiai responds, before asking Obama whether he’s kicked his habit. ‘I haven’t had a cigarette in probably six years,’ Obama replied. ’That’s because I’m scared of my wife,’ he added with a grin. -
The two men laughed as Obama assured he hadn't had a cigarette in six years thanks to the First Lady.
But Michelle Obama has given a different date for when Obama stopped smoking.
'It's been almost a year,' she told reporters February 2011.
President Obama grinned as he told Kiai that he is scared of his wife so he quit smoking
President Barack Obama, accompanied by first lady Michelle Obama, arrives at JFK International Airport in New York, Monday Sept. 23, 2013
President Barack Obama, accompanied by first lady Michelle Obama, arrives at JFK International Airport in New York, Monday Sept. 23, 2013
he president is attending the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly this week
Two years earlier, in 2009, Obama referred to himself as a 'former smoker,' but admitted he still struggled with the habit. 
'I've said before that as a former smoker I constantly struggle with it. Have I fallen off the wagon sometimes? Yes. Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No,' he said at a press conference in 2009.
'I don't do it in front of my kids. I don't do it in front of my family. And, you know, I would say that I am 95 percent cured. But there are times where...There are times where I mess up.'
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama prepare to board Air Force One before their departure from Andrews Air Force Base Monday, Sept. 23, 2013
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