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25 Sept 2013

Man Strangles 14-Year-Old Girl, Hits Her With His Car Multiple Times Because She Refused To Have S*X With Him

A 21-year-old man has been arrested on Monday for strangling a 14-year-old girl and also running her over with his SUV multiple times because she refused to have s*x with him.

Adrian Mendez was arrested in
his home. The young girl was reportedly found lying on the side of the road Sunday evening with neck injuries and crushed legs and hips.
Although her injuries were life-threatening, she is alive and now in stable condition
According to her reports, she claims that around 7pm on the day of the assault,Mendez offered her $200 to have s*x with him. When she refused, she says he pulled her by the hair into his SUV and choked her until she passed out.
Witnesses reported seeing an SUV drive forward and back over the girl multiple times.
Mendez was charged with attempted murder, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and false imprisonment.