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15 Sept 2014

PHOTO: See How ISIS Raped Three Year Old Girls In An Open Market; Forces Women To Divorce Their Husbands… See Why


ISIS is capturing and selling girls as young as three years old to be raped, being in accordance to their false prophet Muhammad who married a six year old girl himself.

They are also forcing women to divorce their husbands so that they can be sold into sex slavery.

The women are sold and then “married” to their buyer in a speedy wedding. As one report says:

As, apparently, are the sex slave markets. A number of people in different cities told me of the systematic rounding up of women and girls; the rapid, enforced divorce of married women from their husbands; the ‘testing’ of single women to assess whether they’re considered to be a virgin; the colour-coding by clothing of married and single women; the selling in an open market with virgins commanding the highest price; and the hasty marriage ceremonies between buyer and the woman they’ve bought in order to justify his raping her.

And these are not just grown women. The youngest girl we heard of being taken for rape was three years old.

The cult mentality of ISIS is shown without the blemish of conniving deception. They are the true representatives of Islam, and the purest image of a heresy and a cult. All cults, be it Mormonism, the Watchtower Movement, the Branch Davidians, the Gothard cult, etc., once allowed to go to their fullest potential, end up in tyranny, totalitarianism, sexual violence, murder and abuse of dissenters or anyone who questions their authority, and many other inhumanities. This is why I expose all cults, and not just Islam, because all spiritual darkness must be exposed.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)