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18 Nov 2014

Why Are Chinese Citizens Adopting African-American Babies?

As the Chinese middleclass grows richer, so do their appetites. They’re buying the most expensive and rarest wines, winning auctions for classical works of art all over the world, driving luxury cars, building mansions, but now there’s a new status trend — adopting black American babies.
“It becoming very popular for Chinese middle and upperclass to have black baby from America,” Ying Wang director of Baby Outsource said. Baby Outsource is the largest African-American adoption agency in business. “They want mostly the males. They like how big they grow and think they cute and like deep voices. Black baby very exotic in China as you don’t see much black face. It’s sort of like owning an exotic animals to Chinese people of means.”
Wang says there seems to be no shortage of supply and adoptive Chinese parents are paying a premium.
“There so many black babies need home because all African-American males abandon families and mother have no job, but maybe prostitution, so she can export baby to China where it have good home. And she make a little money from us,” Wang said. “And baby here no become in a gang because they go to best school, University and get normal job, no have to deal drug. Their lives much better in China.”

So far several hundred babies have gone to China, but with over a billion people and demand growing Wang thinks the numbers could skyrocket.
“I like helping Chinese people achieve their dream of black baby ownership. I hope we can import millions of Afro-American baby. Be good for China and help poor black mothers who no longer want baby. Thumbs up for all.”