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2 Sept 2014

Why I Steal With Axe - Robbery Suspect Opens Up

Survival Instinct:

Olalekan Ajibola told the police that he uses only an axe to commit robbery
 The police in Lagos have arrested a robbery suspect who is believed to operate around the Mushin axis of the state.

Olalekan Ajibola was reportedly caught trying to break into a home in the area with an axe. He was arrested after residents raised an alarm and called the police.

Ajibola allegedly confessed to the police that an axe is his only weapon of choice.

He said:
“I learnt to rob while in Oyingbo. When I go out for operations, I carry my axe. I have operated with it on five different occasions. 

When I enter houses, I ask people for money, phones and other valuables. If they resist, I will hack them with the axe. I use the axe for cutting victims who resist.”

 “I was brought up in a hard way. That is why I also don’t dress well. I rob in order to survive. I eat at any restaurant I find myself. I sneak in and out of them to have my meals.

The suspect also said that he was forced into a life of crime after his mother became mentally ill and his father abandoned him.