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18 Nov 2014

Church of Scientology Operating Private Prison

The Church of Scientology is reportedly operating a private prison that houses staff members who have repeatedly broken church rules or tried to leave the organization.
Church staff consists of executives, back office employees, support staff and others who are directly employed by the church. Ordinary members of the church are treated with more relaxed standards.
Staff members take a blood oath and sign an employment contract which forbids them from releasing church documents, discussing inner-workings of the church or leaving. They must also follow a strict chain of command.
If an infraction occurs, they are typically reprimanded and given various punishments such as docked pay, job demotions or light whippings, but for repeat offenders the punishment can be much greater.
One executive who left the church said he was “hunted down” and held in Scientology prison somewhere in Idaho.

Choosing to remain anonymous, the former executive said: “They have several hundred scientologists there. It’s [the prison] disguised to look like an industrial warehouse that manufactures Christmas ornaments. You are given very little food, they have inspirational recordings of L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology founder) playing around the clock. You are spanked daily. Deprived of food. Made fun of. It’s a torturous environment.”
He was able to escape through a sympathetic prison guard he befriended and now lives in an undisclosed area of Central America.
“I haven’t wanted to speak out, because these are very dangerous people, but I want people to know that you should stay away from this organization. It’s not a religion, it’s a cult. It’s evil. And please, please, please do not accept a job there. They are the world’s worst employer.”