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18 Nov 2014

Ku Klux Klan Opens its Doors to Hispanic, Blacks, Jews and Gays

A faction of the White supremacist organization, the Ku Klux Klan is rebranding as the “new Klan” by trying to increase membership to Jews, black people, gays, those of Hispanic origin and handicapped people.
However, all those wanting to join the ultra-right wing society will have to wear the white robes, masks and conical hats, no skin can be shown.
The requirements for joining the new KKK group, called the Rocky Mountain Knights, are to be aged 18 and live in the Pacific Northwest.
Some black people have already expressed an interest in joining.
“It’s time to squash the beef, you know what I’m saying?” Tryone Crawford of Portland said. “I forgive them for the racial violence and murdering of my people. I can show that forgiveness by joining up. We can all learn to love each other and put the past behind us.”

Abarr, who has claimed that he is a former white supremacist, told the Great Falls Tribune, “The KKK is for a strong America. White supremacy is the old Klan. This is the new Klan. This is about America being the dominant country, being #1. Now we just hate foreign countries like China, all of Europe, etc, but we do not hate our fellow Americans no matter their race or sexual-orientation.”
Apparently, Abarr has organized a peace summit with religious groups and the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) next summer. He also told the Associated Press that he filled out a membership card to NAACP, not only paying the $30 enrollment fee but also adding a $20 donation.
However, the more traditional elements of the organization were unhappy about the direction Abarr is heading in. “He’s trying to bolster his revenue is all, ” Cletus Jones, an Alabama Klansman said. “He’s a goddamned sell-out.”
The homosexual community has shown little interest in joining the new Klan with a few exceptions:
Gay man, Bradley Jenkins, of Boise, Idaho, said he would love to join. “I’m currently single and am having trouble meeting men. The KKK is full of men, so I see this as a real way to meet some cute guys. Plus I love their costumes.”