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18 Nov 2014

Mother Puts ‘Wild 17-Year-Old Daughter’ Up For Adoption

Melinda Baker’s 17-year-old daughter, Lacy, is far more than she can handle. She says her daughter is a ‘slut of the highest order,’ has a cocaine and alcohol problem and refuses to mind.
“I’ve tried grounding her,” Baker said. “Doesn’t help. She sneaks adult men and alcohol into her room. I’ve caught her dancing naughty on the Internet, took away her computer, next day she has a new computer. Finally, I told her if she didn’t stop drugging and slutting I’d put her up for adoption.”

Thinking her mom was joking, Lacy had a photographer from the year book staff at school take professional-level pictures of her in a tiny bikini holding a “Please Adopt Me!” sign. She emailed the photos to her mother and said, “maybe these will help me get adopted, bitch.”
“That was the straw the broke the camel’s back,” Melinda Baker said. “Little slut think she’s cute and can call her mom a bitch? Well now she’s up for adoption and I’m using her skanky photos to show people the wild slut from hell they’ll be adopting. I hope she goes to a terrible family. I hope they tie her up and spank her until she can’t sit. I hope they put welts on her little butt.”
“Anybody that adopts me will be better than my buzzkill mom,” Lacy said. “My mom can suck my d*ck. I hope she gets AIDS and dies.”
Interested parties can email for adoption information.
Since Lacy is seventeen, adoptive parents are only required to keep her in their home for a year (until she is eighteen), but will still legally be her parents.