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1 Nov 2014

Woman Hospitalized To Remove Deer Tongue Used To ‘Please’ Herself


A woman is recovering after a bizarre chain of events that led doctors to find a deer tongue lodged in her vagina.


The Arkansas woman, who’s name has not been released, went to her gynecologist complaining that she was having vaginal discharges that looked like oatmeal and had a “very bad odor.” Her doctor performed a standard exam and finally ordered a pap smear.

The pap smear indicated that certain cells were not human and investigated further.

“During the exam, I was utterly shocked with what I had found. Never in my 33 years of practice have I seen anything like this,” Dr. Lee told the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. “What I removed from the woman, looked like a long tongue, but certainly not a human tongue. Then, what she admitted was even more disturbing.”

The woman said after her husband’s recent hunting trip, he brought home a deer and gutted and dressed it in their garage. She said she saw the tongue, admired its length, and later used it as a pleasuring aid.

She claims she “didn’t remember leaving it up there.”